What Is PTLLS?

PTLLS is abbreviation for Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, and it is the minimum requirement for teaching in the further education sector in the UK.

PTLLS qualification is gained through completion of theoretical assignments and practical tasks along with reflective journal entries leading to either Level 3 or Level 4.

Although the PTLLS course is offered by many colleges in the UK, it is also offered by the public sector and many approved private organisations through full-time or part-time sessions and through distance learning.

What is PTLLS Qualification?

The qualification is obtained from approved centres of City & Guilds. Either Level 3 or Level 4 qualification is awarded upon achieving 12 credits.

The level award is based on your achievement and the units (assignments) you have chosen. Level 3 units are structured in 3 groups, and Level 4 units are structured in 4 groups. If you want to find out more see page 7 to 10 of this document.

The qualification can also be obtained from approved centres of Edexcel which has a 6 credit version and a revised 12 credit version.

Because of these variations the number of assignments and journals to be submitted for assessment varies between different providers. For example, depending on the intended level and PTLLS version, some require submission of fours assignments and four journals while some require seven of each.

PTLLS Requirements and Assessment

Generally, you should posses at least Level 2 in Maths and English as well as Level 3 or a degree in your specialist subject, i.e. the subject you want to teach. However, the assessment for entry requirements is not the same; some providers require that you attend a pre-assessment session while some require a form to be completed.

Your training centre may ask you before enrolling to describe in writing the role and responsibilities of a teacher. They do so in order to assess your competency in English and to judge your knowledge level of the teaching industry. So I urge you to read Assignment 1 before the pre-assessment day.

Course Duration and Fees

The course duration is not the same. Most centres require attendance for 30 hours over 10 weeks or over 10 days consecutively, while some require attendance for only 3, 4 or 5 days.

While a minimum of 15 minutes ‘observed micro-teaching’ is a requirement, the length varies from centre to centre; some require 15 minutes, some require 20 minutes and some require 30 minutes.

While preparing this article, my research showed that the fees vary from £110 to £750, and most centres in London offered the course for £240 to £250 per person. Make sure you choose the PTLLS provider that meets your budget, aims, and career prospects.

While I tried my best to explain what PTLLS is, the information in this article may not be accurate and up-to-date please suggest corrections or additional useful information in the comments section.

About Yousif Kisha

Yousif Kisha, a Drupal Developer, runs his own web design business, a former trainer in management and leadership. Yousif is on twitter @Hobsite